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Circuit Breaker

The circuit-breaker action helps maintain system reliability by rejecting requests when the error rate and request volume within a rolling window exceed defined thresholds. It pauses traffic temporarily to allow the system to recover and automatically re-evaluates upstream health before resuming.

Configuration Reference

The Traffic Policy configuration reference for this action.

Supported Phases




Configuration Fields

  • error_thresholdfloatRequired

    Threshold percentage of errors that must be met before requests are rejected. Must be a value between 0.0 and 1.0. Defaults to 0.5.

  • volume_thresholdinteger

    Number of requests in a rolling window before checking the error threshold. Must be a number between 1 and 2,000,000,000. Defaults to 10.

  • window_durationduration

    Number of seconds in the rolling window that metrics are retained for. Must be a value between 1s and 2m. Defaults to 10s.

  • tripped_durationduration

    Number of seconds the system waits after rejecting a request before re-evaluating upstream health. Must be a value between 1s and 2m. Defaults to 10s.

  • num_bucketsinteger

    Number of buckets that metrics are divided into within the rolling window. Fixed at 10.

  • enforceboolean

    Determines if the circuit breaker is active. If false, the circuit breaker never trips, and no requests are rejected. Defaults to true.


This example configuration sets up an endpoint ( that allows only 1 request every 60 seconds and trips the circuit breaker for 2 minutes.

Example Traffic Policy Document

You can use one of the following snippets:



Agent Config


Start Endpoint with Traffic Policy


Helper script


Action Result Variables

This action does not set any variables after it has been executed.